Thursday, November 26, 2009

i want to watch NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!
who december 3 can go watch??
so niceeeeeeee
today went to work..
did the batch cook .. slacking and sian.. lol..
but it was not bad la..

around 11pm wanted to go home..
got alot of customers,
so need clear them all first..
help joel runner awhile..
and teck hong ask me to stock up..=.=!!!
nevermind lor.anww i so good..
then saw tio harrison!
OMFG>< sibei paiseh..
ice-cream machine damaged~~
need fix..
by the time it was fixed..
it was already close to 12am..
and 88 bus have gone!!!
which means no bus liao!!! -'- siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
no choice lo..
walk home with joel.. =.=
he is CRAZYzz!! [shhhh]
super duper crazy..
he says the midnight mood!! siao!!!
screaming and shouting like drunkard!! .
but we had fun. ;P