Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fuck my internet connection..
fucking lagg..
ask ppl service in maple also scared sia..later Dc.
seriously i wonder whats the problem with singtel..
so full of fucking shitty problem..
please la..we pay to get good quality...
not frequent dc's or whateva shit.

zzz..enough of this shitty complains..
anyway,as usual was smsing
sms till i fall asleep.. which is around 11.30pm?
However,for some reasons which i dont know ,i woke up at 2.31am..
wtf? -.- ! cant get back to sleep so instead check my phone for messages.
and i have a pathetic 4! -.-!! hahas..after replying all messages..then went to sms joel..cos i know he would be the only one i know that would be awake at this time.and i was right..he was awake.which was a relieve for me..or else i woul ddie of BOREDOM. lols.. somehow i manage to reply my messages half-awake / half-sleeping mode?? lol..messgae till 3.57am .. which he ask me to count sheeps.and i was like -.- try to sleep and did.. :D finally. . woke at 7.30am.
wanted to go chemistry but somehow didnt.lols..blogging now..sians.

donno why but just feel sad this few days.
are secrets really meant to be untold?
i really wish to tel lmy secret to someone you know.
the feeling of it bottling up quite unbearable sometimes.
gosh,anyone. KILL ME.