Sunday, August 9, 2009

YO,I KN0W I HAVE P0ST twi ce t0DAY BUT I AM REALLY B0RED TO TEARS,SMS ME ANYONE♥.I KN0W ITS UGLY THAT the words are sticking tgt but No chi0ce,my ph0ne cnt edit much,shall do it tml aND I LOVE MY CLASS♥ See so active and hyper they are
woke up at 11. cos my sis..
i slept for 4 hours nia?
then went Hg breakfast,
goin Aunty house soon..

Went HG eat breakfast,
then went hougang mall,
Follow-ed by HougangPoint,
notice it starts with Hougang everywher,
then went home plau com,
midnight play,
why no one on9 de,
cannot pei me chat!! ):
from 1.30am - 7.30am ,
followed by my "sleep"
and then duno.>

1more hour befor loggin off,.

